Ducks And Japan Two-fer
The Windsor Rotary Club got to see two presentations yesterday. The first was by Lauren Dunlow (shown below) about ducks and duck hunting, something that she said was a passion of her family.
Hunting is also a passion of many of the Rotary Members and everyone was impressed with how much Lauren knew about ducks. She also sprinkled her presentation with humor and everyone was impressed with her poise.
Collins Cooper, President of Rotary (above left), presents Lauren Dunlow (above right) with her cobalt blue coffee mug with gold seal and lettering as a thank you for the presentation.
The second presentation was by Tom Cooper (shown above), of the CM Eppes Middle School in Pitt County, who recently took a trip to Japan, visiting the city of Kyoto. It was 28 day trip, financed by a Fulbright Hayes Grant through the US Dept. of Education for 12 Pitt County teachers.
The teachers were based out of Kyoto and traveled from there daily to meet the people and see the sites, buildings, people, food, religion and culture.
Tom had a great PowerPoint Presentation of the numerous pictures he took on the trip, showing some of the beauty and history of Japan. Above are a few of Tom's slides.
Above Collins presents Tom with his cobalt blue coffee mug with gold seal and lettering as a thank you for the presentation.
Lauren's soo smart! I'm really proud of her!
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