Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rotary Blood Drive A Success

Yesterday the Windsor Rotary sponsored a Red Cross blood drive at the community center, in recognition that we are in perilous times and there are many who need blood in emergencies.

Kelly Taylor (above left) and Holland Cayton (above right) were among the Rotary Members who volunteered to help out at the blood drive.

Kelly helped Allen Castelloe (above right), Windsor Town Manager, understand some of the Red Cross rules that assure the blood is donated safely and the person who is giving blood is okay after their donation is complete.

Ellen Taylor (above left) is smiling even as Nurse Lisa Dallbaum (above right) inserts the needle to start the process.

Johnny Ray Pierce (above right) kept right on conducting business by phone, even after he has finished giving blood and Nurse Deneen Barrister (above left) is completing the process.

Rachel Pierce (above left) and Brad Weneger (abvove right) relax at the table for cookies and soft drinks were it is recommened you spend a few minutes after giving blood to let your body adjust.

William Anderson (above) from the Red Cross did a couple of most important jobs, prepping the bags that were to be used for the blood and processing the paperwork for the blood that was given.

It was a very successfuf day, and if you missed it, we hope to see you next year. Or check around, there are blood drives on a regular basis.

Our thanks to the American Red Cross and their great workers, and the Windsor Rotary Club, and their great volunteers..


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