Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rotary Fish Fry
-Annual Cookout

The Windsor Rotary changed their meeting on Thursday (both time and place) to make it more fun. They had their annual fish fry cookout at the veterans building . . . and the event was a great time for all.

Current and former members and their wives were invited.

The white perch were fresh . . over 200 of them for a crowd of about 40.

They were cooked carefully . . . and perfectly.

Everyone got down to business quickly . . . with loaded plates.

Conversation slowed down while people attended to the business at hand.

Seconds were the order of the day until all the food was gone. You should have been there. The Windsor Rotary meets every Thursday at the Carolina Country Restaurant at Noon. The good works they do is matched by the good fun they have. You should come see what it is all about.


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