Windsor Fire Department Volunteers
Help Katrina Victims
The men of the Windsor Fire Department are some of our finest citizens. And their commitment to civic duty does not end with keeping us safe. Recently, a large group of the volunteer firemen went down to Mississippi to help out some of the victims of the Katrina Hurricane that so devastated the gulf coast area. They were joined by some of the firefighters who came to Windsor to help us out after Isabelle, men from the Mooresville Fire Department.

Chief Billy Smithwick And Shelby Castelloe
They arranged a 24 foot trailer to take supplies and equipment with them, and met in Montgomery, Alabama. Their destination was Delisle, Mississippi.

Loaded To Leave
As is usual in this type of effort, some scheduling difficulties arose, and the facility they were to stay in had not been vacated by the previous group of volunteers when they arrived, so alternate accomadations had to be arranged on the spur of the moment. The men were hosted by the Harrison County Fire Department. They worked with the Southern Baptist Church, which was providing material for their repair efforts on various buildings.

Katrina Aftermath
Following are pictures of some of their activities . . . rebuilding a lady's house, building a dugout for some local children. There were several other efforts.

Flood Damaged Walls

New Roof

Field Of Dreams Dugout
The most satisfying effort was the dugout, as the children were so very appreciative. It touched the hearts of the men to be able to help them with something that meant so much. This is a sample of the sayings that our men wrote on the walls of the dugout for the children.

Christ Calms The Storm
Thank you to all of the men who went. We are so proud of you.

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