Monthly Prayer Breakfast
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." -- John 13, 34-35
With this as the essence of his message, Reverend Ralph White spoke of the ongoing need to make the work of the Lord more color blind in our Inner Banks communities. It has long been noted, and it is sad to say, the most segregated time in our society, is Sunday Morning. A part of this is the process of knowing each other. We are all more comfortable with those we know. Jesus intentionally reached out to the "sinner" and the "Pharisee". So must we reach out to each other if we wish to fulfill the command of Jesus. Bobby Eubanks and Reverend Ralph White are trying.

Bobby Eubanks And Reverend Ralph White
A new monthly Prayer Breakfast has been established with that as a major goal, to assure that the races know each other so well that we can look at each other as friends without caring about race. The inaugural prayer breakfast was held this morning at the Heritage House Restaurant, and for a first effort it was well attended. It was also well received.

Inaugural Prayer Breakfast
Please know that you are welcome to this monthly meeting of harmony and sharing, which was established today as the third Monday of each month. Next month the meeting will be on March 20th at 8:00 AM at the Heritage House Restaurant again. Please put it on your calendar, and we will see you there.
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