Sunday, February 19, 2006

SOS – Save Our Schools Petition
Passes 3,000 Signatures

Community Schools SOS - Press Release

Windsor, North Carolina, 2/19/2006 – The SOS project to save the three best performing elementary schools in Bertie County passed another milestone this weekend with the announcement that the SOS group has now collected 3,000 signatures on a petition asking the federal court to not close the schools.

The group announces their March 2 meeting as a “celebration meeting” with a theme called 100 with 10. The group’s goal is for 100 supporters to each bring 10 signatures and with that the group will pass the 4,000 goal in only eight weeks of signature collection. Obtaining this number will complete all the operational goals set by the organization. This will put in place all the strategic initiatives to keep the three best performing community elementary schools open in the county.

The court accepted over 2,600 signatures from the group into the case record on 2/10/2006. These signatures were accompanied by documentation to show the court that the county is not guilty of facility discrimination. Providing the court these remaining signatures will show a majority of the county’s active voters are against closing these schools.

Community Schools SOS also announces that surprise guests will be in attendance on March 2nd and they will be presenting the main program for the evening. SOS invites you to come and join our celebration program.

The next SOS meeting is Thursday March 2nd at 6PM at the Council on Aging Building in Windsor.


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