SOS Documents Filed In Desegregaton Case!
RALEIGH - The Judge's request that Community Schools SOS file our 2800 Petitions, 110 Parent's Letters, Heery Study, DOJ Study, Dollars and Sense Study, a DVD with pictures of the 3 schools and the cover letter to Judge Terrence Boyle in the Clerk's office here in Raleigh, was successfully accomplished this afternoon. We filed and received a conformed copy of the filing in the Clerk's Office for Eastern District cases at 1:15 PM.
Below is a copy of the cover letter to Judge Terrence Boyle, conformed by the Court Clerk in Raleigh (conformed means stamped and indicating the date at which the paperwork was entered into the court record for the case). This makes yesterday's trip to Elizabeth City a resounding success. Thanks again to all of the people who dropped everything in order to join the convoy to Elizabeth City.

Letter to Judge Terrence Boyle - Page 1

Letter to Judge Terrence Boyle - Page 2
My personal thanks to Lindalyn Kakdelis and Jon Ham of the John Locke Foundation in Raleigh. Jon provided me with a computer and help so that we could get this article posted an hour after the paperwork was filed. Lindalyn Kakadelis is Director of the North Carolina Education Alliance and has worked very hard to help Bertie County stop the closure of these schools. You can check out her web site at to learn more about her great efforts for education.
We are not done. We have to keep up the pressure to finish the petition drive. We are at 2800 signatures now, but we will need to gather over 4600 to make sure that 4000 are validated. That 4000 validated number is the final goal. Thank you to everyone who has been helping. This is a positive accomplishment but, as noted, the war is not over yet. See you Thursday night, February 16th, 6:00 PM at our next meeting on the "Save Our Schools" petition drive.
Community Schools - SOS
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