Bertie County Luncheon
Business And Industry Association
Yesterday the Bertie County Business And Industry Association was treated to a luncheon at the Heritage House in Windsor, courtesy of North Carolina's Northeast Partnership.

Business And Industry Association Luncheon Had An Informal Style
The opening speaker was the Honorable Bob Spivey, Mayor, Town of Windsor; who welcomed everyone, spoke of some of the exciting things happening in Windsor, and led us in an invocation for the meal.

Mayor Bob Spivey (Windsor)
Steve Biggs, Executive Director of the Bertie County Economic Development Commission and Rocky Lane, Existing Industry Specialist for North Carolina's Northeast Partnership, spoke about the purpose and goals of the Business and Industry Association.

Steve Biggs (Bertie County Economic Development Commission)

Rocky Lane (North Carolina's Northeast Partnership)
They were followed by updates from some of our Industry member representatives. There are many actions taking place to better the lives of Bertie County citizens. Innsbrook has triggered a strong interest in additional golfing and boating communities here in the county and there are a couple that look quite promising. We can easily become the "Hamptons" of North Carolina, contributing greatly to the desirability of our neighborhood. The three college representatives spoke of new training initiatives to bring other industries to our area. The U.S. 17 bypass is finally being built and that improvement in traffic flow will contribute to the attractiveness of our area for business. Research into the practicality of using the current burn-off from the waste facility to create energy is being conducted. Perdue has just announced an expansion which will add jobs, and Anthony Hathaway was present to remind everyone that he is still looking for a great number of new employees for the new prison. Employment opportunities in our community are currently outstanding.

Rex Raiford (NC State Industrial Extension)

Tom Hemphill (Roanoke Chowan Community College)

Dick Oates (Martin Community College)
A significant new committee was formed to create alliances with other groups in our area, to expand the effectiveness of the association and to expand our business community. We will keep you informed as these alliances bear fruit. With all the things that are happening in our county, these are exciting times.
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