Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bertie County Hears About OLF Plans

With the recent report that the Navy still prefers the Washington County site that has stirred so much local opposition, the Navy has embarked on a public meeting campaign. The Navy wishes to renew the discussion about which of the five sites should be the location for the new OLF, assuming one is built. You can catch up on some of the controversy by reading the article from the News Herald linked from our earlier article here.

Many rumors abound about the status and the ongoing controversy. One of the more ridiculous rumors is the one that claims that the Navy is planning to poison the people in the area of the new OLF. This is based on the Navy listing all of the EPA substances that are legal to use in any of various circumstances for bird control. One of these, Avitrol, is used to run off certain species of birds. There is some mortality associated with the chemical, but it is not primarily used as a poison. It is used for its effect in causing birds to emit calls of distress to frighten the other birds away. There are no plans to use it for the OLF.

Avitrol has not been used in NC at airports, and as noted above it is not the plan to do so, but under certain circumstances might be. The dire consequences predicted by opponents of the OLF are based on claims that it will be used. Even more they claim it will be used illegally and in a manner intended to harm humans. The basis for these claims is not explained. These predictions are of course merely scare tactics used by those who already disprove of the OLF, especially in the area where the people making the claim live. Other information about this chemical can be obtained at the following web site:

Mayor Bob Spivey and Development Manager Steve Biggs are two of the people who made public comments at the hearing on this night. Their thoughts seem consistent with the concerns of many. Though they do not want the OLF in Bertie County, they also want to make sure that the military is able to train for the purpose of protecting the nation. That in fact is the position of many who were present.

However others are simply opposed to our military and are not shy in attacking them as wrong, no matter what they propose.

Another basis for opposition is the feeling that building the OLF here in our area is simply intended to dump the noise and aggravation here but remain close enough so that Oceana can remain in Virginia. To many in our area that premise is unacceptable.

This hearing is one of many being held. The Navy is holding one in each of the locations where a site is under consideration even when the Navy itself does not think the site is a good one. The final two will be in Beaufort and Washington Counties near the location favored by the Navy.

As I have noted before, there is a major factor called NIMBY that is driving much of the opposition. It will be interesting to see how this ends up. No matter what happens many people will remain angry.


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