Tee & Sea - May 8th And 9th
One of the greatest (if not the greatest) events in our area is the Windsor Fire Department sponsored "Tee and Sea". It just gets better every year.

Windsor Fire Department "Tee and Sea"

Windsor Fire Department
As usual there are four major events over two days.
Festivities kick off Thursday, May 8th with the Duffers Superball Tournament at 1:00 PM.
Thursday night after the golf event at 6:00 PM, there is the annual Ken Younger Night. There will be free beverages, food, a silent auction, reverse raffle and other exciting activities.
Friday, May 9th is the second golf event, the Embarq Open Golf Tounament, a four man super ball event. Tee times are 8:30 AM and 1:00 PM.
Friday night at 5:30 PM is the Seafood Buffet and Dance. Incredible food is the order of the day, including shrimp, scallops, trout, crab cakes and clam strips. The band "Oz" will perform from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM.
Please click here to go to the Tee and Sea web site for other details.
Click here, here, here and here for Bertie County Patriot coverage of events from last year!
Click here, here and here for Bertie County Patriot coverage of events from 2006!