Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Four-legged Camp

by Meagan Williford - July 2nd, 2007 - Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald

COLERAIN - Summertime is here and that means school is out and the kids are home all day.

Have no fear moms, camps are an educational and fun way to entertain children during the summer.

Charles and Leah Newsome, owners of Oak Down Stables, have a three -day summer enrichment program three weeks during the summer for children.

Great article . . . . except not enough pictures of the horses or the kids. There are a lot of pictures of last year's camps covered on the article we did on the blog last year about Oak Down Stables and their summer camps. You can see that article here.

I understand there are still a couple of openings for this year's camps. If you want to send your kids, you can contact Oak Down Stables through their web site,
http://www.oakdownstables.com/, or call Leah and Charles at (252) 356-4130.


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