Christmas Has Started
Get On Board!
Christmas is the best time of the year. It is the time when we make special arrangements to see our friends, and make new friends. It is the time of the year when we forgive those who have done things we are unhappy with . . . and when we ask for forgiveness from those we have hurt during the year.
Christmas is the time of the year when we try to put smiles on the faces of kids . . . and when we feel like kids ourselves. We just have to not get stressed out. Enjoy the season and have fun with it.
Since 1984 I have had a tradition of giving my gifts out personally, especially to friends that I don't see all that often. It gives me an excuse to get out of the house, load the car with gifts, and drive out to see people and surprise them. It is loads of fun and I recommend everyone try it. I find it to be one of the most fun parts of my year. It also means you don't have to go overboard on your gifts, when everyone knows you are giving out "hundreds". Anyway, it is about friendship, not money. As a promotion of our county, I give everyone Bertie County Peanuts. I prefer the the original blister fried Bertie County Peanuts myself. Try them. They are great.
Two years ago I got the best part I have ever had in acting. I got to play Kris Kringle in "Miracle on 34th Street" (a special thanks to Director Joyce Brown for giving me the part). As a result I got a very nice Santa Suit that actually fits me (though without the 3 pillows I used for the play it is a little loose). So last year I tried something new, wearing the Santa Suit while I go around passing out gifts. It was hilarious how people reacted. Some of them grinned and enjoyed it. Some of them looked at me like I was a lunatic . . . and maybe they are right. But it sure does create the Christmas mood.
Here are a few of the pictures I took as I went around the county (and even further) this year. To those who let me take your pictures, thanks. To those of you who wouldn't, a big rasberry.
[I know I missed a lot of you since I don't schedule the visits, but hang in there. I am not done yet! See you soon. ]

Jean, Richard, Samantha And Courtney

Logan And Bud

Dodie, Morgan, Blair And Andrew


Clara And Mack



Warren And Betsy

Mike And Margaret

Charles, Leah, Ginger, Jessica . . . . And Alex Riding Snowflake

Frank, Ellen And Ron

Melinda And Customer

Cindy And John


Bill And Jessie

Joyce And Walter




Rick And Cathy I hope everyone has a great Christmas. Enjoy your peanuts.
Merry Chistmas from the Patriot Blogs!
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