Bertie County Recreation Complex
I was out of the county on the day of the ground breaking ceremony for the new Bertie County Recreation Complex. It was a disappointment I was away as I had heard some great things about the new facility, believed it was something that we all should be excited about and wanted to be present. It was thus a nice gesture by County Manager Zee Lamb and Recreation Director Donna Mizelle when they offered to spend a little time showing me the complex and giving me some background on its creation.

Zee Lamb and Donna Mizelle At The Bertie County Recreation Complex Entrance
The story starts back in 2001 when first efforts to put the complex together were started. Over time Bertie County was able to get a grant from the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund of $250,000. This grant required matching funds from Bertie County which was provided. That money funded Phase I of the project, with two additional phases planned for.

Parking Lot For New Sports Complex
Entrance to the new facility is off US 17 east of Windsor just past NC 308. It will be on your left heading out of town. It is not open yet, but will be shortly as soon as the architect signs off on the final details the contractor must finish.

Our New Professional Grade Baseball Field
There is a nice parking lot for the facility which is situated between the two fields that have already been created, and which will be convenient for the additional fields that are planned for future expansion.

One Of Two Sponsored Scoreboards - The Other Sponsor Is Pritchett And Burch
The current facility has two fields, one a professional grade baseball field, and the other a multi purpose field for football and soccer. The facilities are designed for flexibility, and can easily be reconfigured for the different dimensions that are needed for different age groups. Things such as movable home run fences and movable mounds have been provided for in the design.

The View From Home Plate
Some of the funding for the facility has come from two companies that have sponsored the scoreboards for the county. They are local law firm Pritchett and Burch and Republic Services of North Carolina.

Multi Purpose Field For Football And Soccer
The next phase of the project has already received a grant of $500,000 from the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund. This will be matched by the county, and allow for another field for softball and baseball, a dedicated soccer field, restrooms, concessions stands, press boxes, a playground and a picnic shelter.

New Grandstands Are Waiting For Baseball Fans
Planning has already started on phase 3, to include tennis, outdoor basketball, a walking track, horse shoe courts and volleyball courts.
A lot of people worked really hard to provide this new facility for Bertie County residents, including the Board of Commissioners and County Management. They have done well.
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