Chicken On The Cashie
The Annual Bertie County Fire Department benefit called the "Chicken on the Cashie" was held yesterday at the Cashie Golf and Country Club. Though weather was threatening all day, the golfers managed to get in a great day of golf with only a few small sprinkles. The weather kept the temperature down so it was actually a pretty comfortable day.

Entering The Cashie Golf & Country Club For The Chicken On The Cashie Golf Tournament
Making a tour of the course, we found quite a few different styles of play were being used. Here are a few of the players making their shots.

Phil Sissler

Dale Evans

Joel Nolan

R.D. Matthews
A few of the teams were dressed up like professionals with team colors and all. Here is one of the better dressed groups.

One Of The Three Embarq Teams - Truett Miller, Robby Mills, Eddie Lynch And Larry Drue
The players on the teams were entertained all day by a mother deer and her two fawns. They were enjoying playing on the golf course and they kept dashing out and crossing the fairways all day long.

All Day These Two Fawns (And Their Mother) Kept Crossing The Golf Course
As the tournament wound down, the volunteers started to prepare for the evening meal that is part of the event. The weather which had been threatening all day seemed more and more likely to turn into rain and everyone was concered about whether they could get the meal in.

Chief Billy Smithwick And Mayor Jay Jenkins Talking About When The Rain Will Start
Volunteers simply hoped for the best and kept preparing the chicken that would be needed if the rain held off. These people are simply the best. They work to save our lives all year long, and on this day, they prepare the best chicken in the world. I got to sample some of the chicken and it was awesome.

Askewville Fire Department Preparing Their Chicken

Windsor Fire Department Volunteers Cooking Great Chicken
A very special thank you to all the volunteers and recognition for the great job they do for our community. We owe them all!
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