County Commissioners Delay PUD Rules
At the County Commissioners meeting last night there was some intense discussion of the PUD issue (Planned Unit Development - essentially a special variance procedure for developers who wish to offer the county offsets for increasing density on portions of a development). At the end, there was no final agreement on the issues, and due to some concerns by the county attorney and county management on additional input desired, the decision was postponed another month.

Misty Edwards, Zee Lamb, Norman Cherry, Rick Harrell, L.C. Hoggard, Wallace Perry And Lloyd Smith
Other actions at the meeting included presenting checks to two of our local fire departments for reimbursement of expenditures on new fire equipment. Commissioner Wallace Perry presented Fire Chief Milton Felton of Colerain a check for $5,000 and Commissioner Norman Cherry presented Fire Chief Larry Mizelle of Lewiston a check for $5,000.

Wallace Perry Presents Milton Felton With Check

Norman Cherry Presents Larry Mizelle With Check
Another action of note was when the Commissioners voted to stop the state from wasting money on paving two local roads on which no one lives. This action saves the money for us to use on more valuable efforts. The two projects stopped were paving Willie White Road, saving $378,000 and paving Old King Farm Road saving $225,000. This gives a total savings of $603,000 that we can spend on more usefull efforts for Bertie County tax payers.
The need to have these votes points out once again the flaws in the states process for prioritizing these efforts, and the failure of the NCDOT to adequately communicate their plans to the county. The once a year meeting held after actions are started does not really work.