National Guard Update
The Rotary Club was very pleased to welcome as speaker a local Windsor man who is actively working to defend our nation during this time of war. Brigadier General David L. Jennette, Jr, Deputy Adjutant General of the North Carolina National Guard, opened his presentation with a film about the National Guard in North Carolina. The film showed numerous local men and women serving our nation during this most important time.

General David Jennette Jr. Receives Traditional Thank You Cup
From Holland Cayton Of The Rotary Club
General Jennette spoke with us about his pride in the job our local troops are peforming in Iraq. He talked about each of our local units, and spoke of those few who have died in the service of our nation, and the many whose patriotism has led them to stick with this duty during such trying times.
David Jennette, Jr. is also President and Timberlands Manager of Timerberlands Unlimited, Inc., a local land and timber management services firm, an important local industry. Their services can be investigated on the web site at
We thank General Jennette for the update, and for his service to our nation.
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