Get A Great Christmas Tree
The featured speaker for today's Rotary Club meeting was Jack Staley of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Mr. Staley is also the owner of Northwest Christmas Tree Farm.

Jack Staley's Christmas Tree Lot
Jack was speaking today about Christmas Trees. He told us all about how they are grown, and especially how to make sure you get a good one. The most compelling fact as far as I was concerned was something that I would never have realized. Trees that are cut for the large chain retail stores have to be cut nearly a month sooner than the trees on the smaller lots like his.

Careful Customer Bill Pittman Checks For Freshness - He Found His Tree!
Especially since he cuts his own trees, Jack can wait until the last minute, assuring that the tree is fresher, and looses less needles.

102 Oakdale Street, Windsor, NC
Click on the map thumbnail above for the location of Jack's Chirstmas Tree Lot, near the Heritage House Restaurant on U.S. 13.
Bill Hazelgrove Presents Cup To Jack Staley
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