Innsbrook Is Happening!
Our part of North Carolina is being led into the 21st Century in the best way possible. With the development of Innsbrook we are becoming the heart of the Inner Banks! With this opportunity we have a chance to make Bertie County the place of beauty, integration of nature with man, and graceful living that many have dreamed of (and some few rich locals even enjoyed) for years.

Innsbrook Is Ringed By Albemarle Sound And Salmon Creek
The reason that we have this opportunity? A man with a vision who fell in love with our county. Please meet Bobby Ware.

Bobby Ware Of Ware Realty And Construction
Bobby is the man who is the driving force behind the new Innsbrook development (purchased from the Avoca Farms people) that is going up by Salmon Creek, down at the edge of Albemarle Sound. That area is the tip of the peninsula known as Bertie County. It is dominated by the awesome natural beauty that attracts so many to our area. For the first time, people will have the ability to be a part of that beauty, have a truly beautiful and gracious place to live, and yet have modern amenities too.

Natural Beauty In Black Walnut Swamp
For many who have only heard about this development, or seen some rather unexciting pictures in a newspaper article, the reality of what is going up is astonishing when they first see it. This new development will be water dominated, including both our famous local wetlands along one side (Black Walnut Swamp), numerous lakes throughout the property, and ringed by Salmon Creek and Albemarle Sound.

One Of The Many Large Lakes That Will Dot The Property
It will have an absolutely awesome golf course with hills and panoramic sweeps from one end to the other. Like most modern high end developments it will be a gated community, with all the facilities that you would expect in a 21st century development, but just seconds away is all the natural beauty you will ever find.

The Golf Course Will Provide Sweeping Panoramas Of Bertie County Terrain
The golf course is a championship facility that will be one of the most beautiful in the world, with incredible views of the Albemarle Sound, Salmon Creek and Black Walnut Swamp. The elevation changes are not all natural, as Bobby Ware has a huge quantity of earth moving equipment, enhancing the geography and deepening the numerous lakes that will cover the property when it is done.

One Of Several Hawks That Make Black Walnut Swamp Their Home
The area will not lose its natural charm in the process. Everything has been planned by people who clearly love nature and the outdoor life. As we toured the site yesterday, we repeatedly enjoyed watching the hawks that live nearby flying overhead.

Many Of The Homes Will Adjoin Black Walnut Swamp, Providing A Beautiful Connection With Nature
The most incredible aspect of the Innsbrook Development is that this one little area (little in terms of the amount of land it will cover) will almost double the tax base of Bertie County. The most beautiful area of New York is the area out on Long Island called the Hamptons. We have a chance for Bertie County to become the "Hamptons" of North Carolina. It will provide jobs and opportunities for our citizens and fund protection for our natural resources at the same time.

Current Entry Into A Busy Construction Site, A Precursor Of The Economic Benefit Innsbrook Will Provide To Us All
We owe this opportunity to Bobby Ware. I am one Bertie County enthusiast who is pleased that Bobby Ware fell in love with our area.
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