Chicken On The Cashie
The Windsor / Bertie County Chamber of Commerce held the 15th Annual Chicken on the Cashie yesterday. This was a rescheduled date due to Hurricane Ophelia. Though overcast, the weather was rather nice for this time of year.The sponsoring organizations were the Bertie County Fire Departments including, Windsor, Colerain, Perrytown, Blue Jay, Askewville, Merry Hill and Trap.
Golfers Line Up For The "Chicken On The Cashie" Golf Tournament To Start
The Golf Tournatment kicked off the event and had a great turnout. Due to the reschedule, all tee times were at 1:00 PM, and the shotgun start was rather hectic with 16 teams. Perdue chicken was served for all golfers.

Williford Cleaners Team Member Dalton Williams Tees Off As David Bunch Can't Wait For His Turn
The winner of the "Gross Score" Contest was the team from Cars "R" Us, with a score of 58.

Bill Crutchfield, Mike Spear, Non Team Member Carolyn Jordan, James Cutrell and James Ellis, Savor Their "Gross Score" Victory
The winner of the "Net Score" contest was Perdue #1, with a score of 49 after adjustment for their handicaps.

Jim Young, Doug Jordan, Richard Speare, And L. T. Sullivan, "Net Score" Winners
This Year's Trophies were very unique.

The First Place Trophies
Evening activities started at 5:00 PM.

It Is Early But The Perdue Chicken Is Going Fast
Early arrivals were entertained by Michael Campbell from 102.5, "The Shark" radio while waiting for the live music to start.

Michael Campbell Entertains With Rocking Music
You could eat all you wanted of Perdue Chicken, prepared in a variety of ways, while you visited with friends and danced the night away. Music for the dancing was provided by two live bands, "The Embers" and "Backdraft".

Backdraft Starts The Live Music
Below are some of the fire departments serving their flavor of Perdue Chicken.

Members Of The Colerain Fire Department

Members Of The Windsor Fire Department Auxiliary

Members Of The Blue Jay Fire Department From Indian Woods

Members Of The Askewville Fire Department
In this article from the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald you can get a complete listing of what each of the fire departments prepared and served. Patrick Demofonte, Director of the Chamber of Commerce was rushing all day to take care of details for the event.

Patrick Demofonte Was Everywhere
Fun Inflatables from Classic Rentals in Ahoskie were provided for the kids.

The Kid's Area At Chicken On The Cashie
The famous "Chicken on the Cashie" T-shirts have become world famous, and have been sighted on beaches from Santa Monica California to Venice Italy. They were on sale and you had a choice of several colors.

Chamber Director Patrick Demofonte Models New T-Shirts
It was a great event. Hope you enjoyed it.
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