Windsor Christmas Parade
The annual Windsor Christmas Parade, put on by the Windsor/ Bertie County Chamber of Commerce, will take place on Thursday December 8, 2005, beginning at 3:30 PM.
Bill Hazelgrove, Former Windsor/ Bertie County Chamber of Commerce Director, will be the Grand Marshall for the 2005 Windsor Christmas Parade.
Bill Hazelgrove has dedicated himself to our community for many years now and he was the recipient of the 2005 Citizen of the Year Award.
The Parade line-up will begin at the Bertie Campus of Martin Community College. It will move on a route down Granville Street to King Street, and then going right on King Street past the reviewing stand in front of the courthouse. Afterwards, the parade will go left on Dundee Street to Livermon Park, where it will end.
If you have an organization, consider placing a float in this year’s parade. You will be in good company and you can get the kind of national publicity obtained for floats like this one! But you need to hurry. If you plan to have an entry in the Parade you must get them in by December 5, 2005, which is next Monday.

A Typical Parade Float!
Parade entry applications can be picked up at the License Plate Agency and the Windsor/ Bertie Chamber of Commerce. Deadline for parade entries is December 5, 2005. For more information please call (252) 794-4277.