Katrina And Rita's Kids
Editorial - Septermber 27, 2005 - The Washington Times
In legislation making the rounds of Capitol Hill, President Bush is proposing up to $2.6 billion in elementary, secondary and post-secondary relief. The bulk of the money, $1.9 billion, would reimburse school districts that enroll at least 10 hurricane-displaced students this school year. The money could be used for salaries and transportation, as well as counseling and classroom materials, with a per-pupil maximum of $7,500.
Those expenditures have received bipartisan support on the Hill. But here's the rub with the liberals: The president also wants to provide a $7,500 per-pupil maximum to students enrolled in private schools.
As the article notes, "liberals want to treat children in private and religious schools as outcasts." If children were in private schools before the hurricanes, liberals feel they should be abandoned, or forced to find a school on their own without the reimbursement other students would receive. You have to assume this is punishment for having attended private schools before the hurricanes. They support this position without regard to the economic condition of the parents. It makes no difference if the family is middle class or rich. The liberals want them denied equal compenstaion. This is the new definition of equality under the law for liberals. You are equally despised if you don't attend public schools.