Senator Fred Smith Visits Windsor
Very soon after North Carolina U.S. Senator Richard Burr was in Windsor to check on progress at the Bertie Memorial Hospital, North Carolina State Senator Fred Smith paid us a visit as well. Senator Smith's purpose was to check on status as well, but this time the status was the growth of the Republican Party in Eastern Carolina.

North Carolina State Senator Fred Smith
Party leaders from 3 local counties, Bertie, Hertford and Martin, were on hand in Windsor to hear an animated presentation from Senator Smith on the growing importance of Eastern Carolina to the future of the Republican Party. Though there is not a single Republican office holder in the region, the party sees that changing in the coming years.
Though the purpose of this visit was party building, there is rumored to be another long term goal as well. Fred Smith, an impressive and self made business success and a former lawyer, is considered by many Republicans to be the ideal candidate for Governor of the State of North Carolina. Raised in the orphanage that his parents worked in, his humble beginnings have helped Senator Fred Smith become a likable and charismatic leader.
He is a former star athlete, won a football scholaship to Wake Forest and continues his interest in sports and physical fitness through the athletic clubs that are a part of his business empire.
Though he was given a very complimentary article in the Charlotte Observer last month. While discussing TV presence the paper did have to criticize that Sentor Smith has a "slightly nasal voice". It did not come across that way face to face, but TV is always an interesting medium. It is highly likely that you will see him on TV so you can judge for yourself.

Official Meeting Is Over And Conversations Continue All Over The Room
The meeting was well attended by all 3 counties, and further meetings are already in the works. Most attendees were impressed with Senator Smith's grass roots credentials. Unlike many of the very successful and wealthy candidates who get into politics, Senator Smith has paid his dues along the way, starting his political career as a County Commissioner.
Newspapers are saying that Senator Fred Smith has a "plain name". However there is nothing else plain about Fred Smith.
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