Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Candidates File For
Board Of Education

Yesterday was the closing date for filing to run as a candidate in the Non Partisan Elections which will be held in conjunction with the November General Elections. Of course the most important positions for Bertie County that will be filled in the Non Partisan Elections are the Board of Education positions. 3 Board of Education positions are on the ballot this time, one to fill the balance of the time for the District 3 seat currently held by Emma Johnson (Emma replaced Mike Bracy ), as well as the regular cycle election for District 1 and District 5. All incumbents have filed and all have at least one person who has filed against them. The three positions being contested are:

District 1 - Seat currently held by Melinda Eure
Pamela Chamblee and Dallis Godard have also filed.

District 3 - Seat currently held by Emma Johnson
Curtis E. Bryan and Seaton Poe Fairless Jr. have also filed.

District 5 - Seat currently held by Gloria C. Lee
George W. Drake has also filed.

With the excellent job of focusing on our kids that has occurred recently by the current board, I believe there would have to be a powerful reason for making any changes to the Board makeup. We are in the process of getting a college campus, one of the nation's first Agri-Science high schools in generations, a restoration of vocational training, a Bio-Fuels Research Center that will be unique in America (and will put our county on the map) and a focus on our kid's education that is a delight to behold. These things are happening because of the hard work of BOE Chairman Rickey Freeman and the other board members. I extend them all my personal thanks for caring about the kids more than about the issues that have sometimes distracted us.


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