Saturday, February 23, 2008

UHS Police Chief Explains How They Help

Randall W. Walston, Chief of Police for University Health Systems, came to the Windsor Rotary to talk about their organization, how it is organized, why it was set up, and how they can help the people of Windsor. They are providing police services at the UHS Hospital in Windsor, along with all the other UHS Hospitals.

Mr. Walston said it was important to understand that they are not just a security force. With the critical needs of hospitals, including the exposure they have with their invetory of drugs that are in great demand by gangs, the UHS Police Force has been granted actual police powers by state law. The presentation was very helpful and very informative.

In appreciation for the talk, Holland Caton (shown on right) presented Mr, Walston with the cobalt blue coffe mug that is traditional at the Windsor Rotary.


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