Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bertie County Presented With
Secondary Road Priorities

Sterling Baker (shown below) of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, subbed for his boss to make the presentation of secondary road priorities for Bertie County. He was accompanied by District Engineer Win Bridgers.

Their boss is currently tied up in efforts to identify (and hopefully fix) the many problems that have surfaced in the management of the DOT that have received extensive coverage recently.

These problems have been covered on the Inner Banks Eagle in articles like
Potholes on the road and DOT Leader gets an earful, documenting some of the serious DOT management problems that have become publicly well known. When an organization is doing things of such monumental stupidity as replacing Windows XP with Windows 2000, an older and well known inferior product, there are clearly serious concerns that need to be addressed.

In the meantime the local people work well with our county team to keep roads fixed. When the problems with road around the waste dump were brought to their attention, the DOT worked hard to fix them.

The priorities for Bertie County projects have been established as Bull Hill Road, widen, reseal and rebuild shoulder, Williford Road, widen, reseal and rebuild shoulder, Cherry Farm Road, pave, Cedar Landing Road, widen and upgrade, John Thompson Road, pave, Morris Ford Road, widen and upgrade, Tripp Road, repair and upgrade.

After discussions with the the County Commissioners, no changes to the priorities were considered advisable under the limitations of the state rules and a resolution authorizing the DOT to proceed was passed unanimously.


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