Friday, January 20, 2006

Does BOE Have A
"Nixonian Enemies List"?

Yesterday afternoon the Board of Education (BOE) held a press conference. While they had lots of room they excluded anyone that they deemed were not "press" from their conference. It would appear that Superintendent Dr. Collins-Hart and Chairman Seaton Fairless think that they deserve the same level of power accorded the President of the United States. With a clear security need in that position, press certification is reasonable. What is the purpose for denying press "certification" to local organizations that cover school board events? An enemies list? The Bertie County Patriot was denied entry to the event, even though no "certification" was required for any of the other press at the event.

We are proud to be in good company though, as the Assistant County Manager, Morris Rascoe, was also excluded. When I spoke with him, Morris said that he attempted 3 times to gain admittance.

On the first occassion, Dr. Collins-Hart's administrative assistant, Ms. Thompson, told him he did not qualify for admittance, even though it is his job to attend these functions for the County Commissioners.

After leaving to speak with the County Attorney, who informed him he had a legal right to attend the press release, Morris returned. He was informed that the opinion of the County Attorney did not change their position and once again excluded.

Morris left, but returned one last time to attempt to gain entry and specifically talk with the Superintendent or the Chairman. He was told that the press conference had started and that the individual would not interrupt the press conference to ask if Dr. Collins-Hart or Seaton Fairless would speak with him.

Why is the BOE afraid of the County Commissioners?

We will have a report tomorrow that details what we have learned about the latest press release from the BOE. The BOE can't believe that excluding the Bertie County Patriot from a press conference will keep our readers from learning the details of their arguments, can they?


[The above ROTFL is a blogging expression for "rolling on the floor laughing". Please understand, I consider the actions of the BOE to be unacceptable, but aren't they pitiful too?]

As a perfect footnote to the arrogant denial of first amendment rights to our readers documented above, the BOE sent Brent Todd to the Community Schools SOS meeting Thursday night. This meeting was held for those who wish to stop the BOE from closing our schools. You just know that Brent Todd does not share that goal. So why was he there? The BOE sent him to videotape the meeting. Is that so they could review the videotape and find others to add to their enemies list? Now that is not funny.


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