The annual Windsor Fire Department Tee & Sea Fest, scheduled for May 5th and 6th, concluded today, and it was a beautiful day for golf. The major sponsors of the event had to be happy with the outcome, Sprint, Wrangler, Bertie Ambulance and Action Auto Center-Cellular Warehouse.

The First Tee
The planned May 6th Sprint Classic Golf Tournament was unfortunately rain delayed, but they could not have chosen a better day to complete the event. Last week they had the Action Auto & Cellular Warehouse's Duffers Tournament and the Wrangler Night reverse and silent auctions. Both were a success. Everyone also enjoyed the Seafood Buffet that traditionally completes the event, but last Friday's rain did not allow for the big golf tournament to take place as scheduled. For those who were able to reschedule, today was the big day. Golfers who had the early tee times started to gather with the normal lugging of golf clubs in from the parking lot.

Scott Cobb, Crystal Cobb And Patrick Demofonte Arrive For The Event
The event is a competition, and everyone who wanted to do well took the opportunity to get in some last minute practice on the putting green.

Last Minute Practice
As tee time approached, golfers gather their clubs and find their golf carts, getting ready for the shotgun start used for this Four Man Super Ball contest.

Tee Time Approaches

The Shotgun Start Had Carts Scattering To All The Tees
Billy Smithwick, the fire chief who works so hard to make the event a success was everywhere taking care of last minute details.

Billy Smithwick, The Windsor Fire Chief
We were lucky to get pictures of players from two of the teams who finshed well teeing off.

Rodney Willford Of Williford Cleaners Team

Bill Price Of The Dot Ward Team
Lunch was served for all participants by the Windsor Firemen, a few of whom took a moment after lunch was served for me to capture them here. Unfortunately the rest were too busy to take a break, so we did not get everyone's picture. Maybe next year guys!

Everyone Got A Great Lunch Served By The Windsor Fire Department

A Portion Of The Windsor Fire Department
Many teams were willing to pose for team photo's, but I did not have room for them all in the article. Weyerhauser got the short stick in my personal lottery to pick the team that was included. They weren't as lucky at the day's golf and they were not in the top 3 of either of the two competitions (but they were close!). The two competitions were in Gross Score (no handicap counted in the score) and Net Score (handicaps counted).

Weyerhauser Team, Larry Roco, Bill Edwards, Will Hardison, Carroll Jones
The top 3 teams in the "Gross Score" competition were:
Bill Clough Ford (Riley Thompson, Steve Hoggard, Sid Copeland and Kent Williford)
Williford Cleaners (Bill White, Joe Warlick, Carroll Bowen [Busscie] and Rodney Williford)
Cars "R" Us (Mike Spears, James Citrell, Joel Nolen and Randy Crabtree)
The top 3 teams in the "Net Score" competition were:
Dot Ward (Dot Ward, Carroll Forehand, Bill Price and Louise Ann Rascue)
CRMP (Ernie Hoggard, David Simmons, Donnie Roberson and Charles Mobley)
Cellular Warehouse (Toby Williams, Tim Ivey, Vic Thompson and Kyle Williford)
Closest to the Pin on the 5th Hole:
Billy Smithwick
Closest to the Pin on the 8th Hole: Bill Edwards
If you have any questions about the event, please call the Windsor Fire Department at (252) 794-3437.